Other Important Article Requirements


Article requirements

As a fast-growing digital PR agency, Bright PR operates with both efficiency and integrity.

Every submission—including format, purpose, and content—is required to meet our editorial guidelines. This ensures that your story and voice will resonate with readers from around the globe and will earn you both reputability and respect.

How we operate

Bright PR accepts editorials, advertorials, news and short feature articles, opinion pieces, and press releases—none exceeding 1200 words—that comply with our editorial guidelines.

After you submit your content, our team of Bright PR experts will review all articles before publication. Our review consists of the following:

  • Adherence to our guidelines
  • Relevance and applicability to desired publication
  • Appropriateness of content based on Bright PR’s list of acceptable submissions.

Our editors have the final say in determining whether the content is appropriate to submit for publication. Apart from our internal approval process, please keep in mind that the editorial teams of each publication will also be reviewing all articles to ensure that they meet their guidelines.

Bright PR does not accept and/or publish:

Content that includes sexually explicit material

This includes any and all references to sexually explicit materials or products, including but not limited to sexual enhancement products and the like.

Content that includes or advocates violence and harm

Submitted content must not include any explicit or subtle references to harming an individual or group, whether directly or indirectly. We do not accept content that incites violence or advocates harm in any form. Additionally, we do not accept content that defames, defrauds, degrades, shames, or victimizes organizations or places of business.

Content that includes plagiarism

Content submitted must be original material and not the work of a third party or entity. Plagiarism of any kind will not be accepted. Any use or inclusion of plagiarized work is directly in violation of our Terms of Use.

Content that includes financial advice or money schemes

We do not accept and publish articles that promote or link to online gambling. This includes fantasy sports and “pay to play” models of transactions and similar models of gambling.

Additionally, submitted content should not include references or links to short-term or unsecured loan services, get-rich-quick schemes, or promotion of stock picks.

Content that includes unchecked health-related material or advice

Articles that contain pharmaceutical information will be accepted only if they include an explicit statement of prescription. In addition, pharmaceutical sites that are acceptable must be located within North America, the EU, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the UK, Singapore, New Zealand, or Australia.

All content that includes weight-loss-related content must be fact-checked and in accordance with the US Food and Drug Administration Tainted Products list.

Content that includes any disputed health claims is prohibited.

Content that includes politically-related references

Articles submitted to Bright PR should not include any references to political parties or affiliations, nor election information, opinions, and the like.