Terms and Conditions (“T&Cs”)


Version number: 1.0
Effective date: March 1, 2023

  1. Who we are
    1. We are Bright PR PTE. LTD., also known as "Bright PR". Our company information is at the end of this document.
  2. What this is all about
    1. These are our Terms and Conditions (T&Cs), which apply to our Service (explained below). Please read them carefully. By being a User of our Service, you agree that you have read, understood, accepted, and agreed with the T&Cs, which form a legal agreement between you and we.
  3. Some definitions
    • “Article” – any content (including images) you supply to us for publication via our Service.
    • “Business Day” – any day except a Saturday, Sunday, or government-gazetted public holiday in Singapore.
    • “Content” – all information of whatever kind displayed, stored, or sent on or via our Service, including your Articles.
    • “Publication” – any publication or platform to which we submit Articles for publication.
    • “Requirements" – the requirements and guidelines for Articles published on our website.
    • “Service” – any service we offer by means of our website and any related services.
    • “Turnaround Time” – the projected turnaround time between submission of an Article and publication, which is three weeks from the date the relevant Article is submitted unless otherwise stated on our website or unless otherwise agreed upon separately between us.
    • “User” – people or organisations using our Service (whether or not registered with us).
    • “Full Refund” – the reimbursement of the original payment made by the customer, minus any applicable bank charges or transaction fees incurred during the processing of the refund.
  4. Changing these terms and conditions
    1. We may change these T&Cs by posting the new version on our website. If we do so, we will use reasonable efforts to notify you that the T&Cs have changed. If you continue being a User of our Services after our changes to the T&Cs are published, you will be deemed to have read, understood, accepted, and agreed with the changed T&Cs.
  5. How you enter a legal contract with us
    1. By registering on our website, you enter a legal contract with us to use our Service.
    2. We reserve the right, in our discretion, for any lawful reason to refuse any request to use our Service.
    3. By accessing any part of our Service that does not require registration or payment, you are also bound by these terms to the extent they are relevant.
  6. Your Article

    Submitting your Article to us

    1. You agree to submit your Article via our website (or any alternative means we specify) within seven Business Days of your order. We are entitled to cancel your order without refund if you fail to do so.
    2. You agree to ensure that your Article complies with the Requirements, including submission in the correct language as required by the selected publication and specified on our website.

    Checking your Article

    1. We will take reasonable steps to check your Article for compliance with the Requirements within seven Business Days of its submission (or resubmission if applicable).
    2. If we think, in our sole assessment, that your Article does not comply with the Requirements, we may, but are not obliged to, invite you to amend and resubmit the Article to us. You are entitled to cancel your order (in respect to that Article) for a Full Refund if you do not wish to amend and resubmit it. If you choose to cancel your order in this manner, you must notify us in writing of your intention so we can process the cancellation and the refund. To be clear, paragraph 2.1 above does not apply to any resubmission of an Article.
    3. We are entitled to reject any Article at any time with or without giving reasons. If so, we will provide a Full Refund.
    4. We do not undertake to edit, fact-check, translate, or proofread your Article.
    5. If we propose any changes to your Article, these are without any liability on our part, and you adopt them at your own risk.


    1. If we suggest or supply you with an image to use in conjunction with your Article (and we do not guarantee to do so), you agree to comply with any applicable licence conditions or with any applicable law, including, but not limited to, copyright law and personal data protection law. We accept no liability in connection with use of such image, which you use at your own risk, even if the image is suggested or supplied by us. We do not warrant that use of the image is lawful or that it does not breach any intellectual property rights or other applicable laws. You agree to indemnify us against any claims arising from use of the image.

    Our submission of your Article to the Publication

    1. We will take reasonable steps to submit your Article to the relevant Publication within seven Business Days of its submission (or resubmission if applicable) to us, provided we think it complies with the Requirements.
    2. We do not guarantee that any Publication will accept your Article, whether or not the Article incorporates changes suggested by us.
    3. If the Publication rejects publication of your Article, we will provide you with a Full Refund unless the rejection arises from an associated image (whether provided by you or us).
    4. We may at any time change the list of Publications to whom we submit Articles without first having to notify you. If the Publication specified in your order is removed from our list before we make the submission, we will provide you with a Full Refund unless you and we agree in writing on submission to an alternative Publication.

    Use of your Article by the Publication

    1. You agree that the Publication is entitled without your approval to edit your Article and/or to add an image (if you have not supplied one) as it sees fit and that we are not liable for any acts or omissions by the publication in connection with your Article. You also agree that it is at the Publication’s discretion how to label or present the Article, whether as “editorial”, “advertorial”, “brand media”, “brand post”, “sponsored”, or otherwise. Accordingly, you agree that you will not require us to exercise any kind of influence or control over how a Publication deals with your Article, and that we will, in any case, not be responsible or obligated to do so.
    2. You agree that, once your Article has been submitted to a Publication, you have no right to request changes (either directly to the Publication or to us), to prevent publication, or to remove it after it has been published unless you are ordered or compelled to do so by a court or tribunal of applicable jurisdiction or by a relevant government authority.
    3. You are entitled to cancel your order for a Full Refund if the Article is not published by the Publication within the applicable Turnaround Time (TAT).
    4. If a Publication removes your Article within six months of publication, we agree to provide you with a Full Refund unless you and we agree on submission to an alternative Publication and unless the Article is removed under order of a court or tribunal of applicable jurisdiction or of a relevant government authority.

    Websites of Publications

    1. On our website, we may indicate values relating to websites of Publications such as “MOZ Domain Authority”, “Similarweb” website traffic, and the link attributes (no-follow and do-follow) where links in Articles are accepted by the Publication. You agree that any such values are subject to change or removal without prior notice and that, in any event, they are only intended to be indicative and may not be accurate or up to date.

    Liability for Article

    1. You agree that you are solely liable for the content of your Article and that we are not liable for any loss or damage you may sustain that arises out of the publication of your Article.
    2. You warrant that your Article (including images) complies with all applicable laws or regulations and that it does not infringe any third-party rights.
    3. You agree to indemnify us for all loss, damage, and legal costs against any claim made against us in connection with your Article.
  7. Behaviour when using our Service
    1. You agree not to do any of the following in connection with our Service:
      • break any applicable law or infringe anyone else’s rights;
      • send, store, display, or link to unlawful, infringing, or otherwise inappropriate Content;
      • send, store, display, or link to any Content that includes someone else’s personal information unless you have obtained their written consent or you are otherwise legally permitted to do so;
      • use our Service to help you compete with us or to infringe our rights;
      • disrupt our Service, e.g., spam, viruses, or phishing;
      • interfere with or damage our Service or gain unauthorised access to any part of our system, data, passwords, or otherwise;
      • intercept or modify communications;
      • impose an unreasonable load on our Service;
      • get around any security features, including those designed to stop copying of Content; or
      • attempt, encourage, or assist any of the above.
    2. You agree to cooperate reasonably with us in relation to our Service.
  8. Other peoples’ services / advertising / websites
    1. We may display other peoples’ services, advertising and/or links to other websites. We do not recommend or endorse, nor are we legally responsible for, any of these. You use them at your own risk.
  9. Our guidance
    1. If we ourselves provide any general guidance or other similar information on or via our Service, we do not guarantee that it is accurate or up to date or relevant to you, and we do not accept legal responsibility for it. Before acting on such information, you must make your own appropriate and careful enquiries including as to its accuracy and suitability for your purposes. You rely on such information at your own risk.
  10. If you create an account on our Service
    1. Unless otherwise specifically stated on our Service, your account is for your personal use only. You must not allow any other person to use your account unless we specifically say otherwise. You agree to take reasonable care to keep your login information confidential and to tell us immediately of any apparent breach of security such as loss or misuse of a password. You are responsible for other people who use your account or identity (unless and to the extent that we are at fault).
  11. Paying us
    1. Payment is in advance. Prices and payment methods are as explained on our Service.
    2. If we have mis-priced any part of our Service, we are not obliged to supply the Service at that price provided we notify you. If we do notify you, you can decide if you want to continue with the Service at the correct price. If not, we will provide you with a Full Refund.
    3. You authorise us and our payment provider to place a hold on, or charge, your payment card for the relevant amounts or otherwise take payment whenever payments are due in accordance with this agreement. It is your responsibility to update your payment card details as necessary.
    4. We may change our prices at any time. Any order you make after we post the price change on our website or after we notify you of the change will be at the new price.
    5. You must contact us immediately with full details if you dispute any payment.
    6. You agree that you are legally bound by the terms and conditions of any payment providers whose services you use on our Service. We are not responsible for what they do or do not do.
    7. You must make all payments without any set-off, counterclaim, or any other deduction. Time shall be of the essence for all payments under this agreement.
    8. We may offer discount codes from time to time. Such codes may be applied only to purchases made through the account in respect of which the discount code was offered and registered and are not transferrable or redeemable for cash. Unless otherwise stated, codes are available only for future new orders placed online and cannot be used retrospectively. You cannot use more than one discount code per transaction unless we state otherwise; if we do so, the order in which the codes are to be applied is at our sole discretion. We reserve the right to reject any discount code if we consider that it is being used in breach of these terms. Discount codes are subject to any additional specific terms and conditions that are specified at the point of issue. We reserve the right to discontinue or otherwise modify any discount codes at any time without prior notice.
  12. Refunds
    1. You are entitled to a refund only where specifically stated in these terms. If you think you are entitled to a refund, please email your refund request to refund@brightpr.io.
    2. If your order related to more than one Article, we will refund only the part of the price attributable to the Article which gives rise to the refund.
    3. We will aim to process refunds within 7 – 14 Business Days. Refunds will be credited to your account’s wallet. This credit can be used for a new purchase with an alternative Publication or requested as a refund to your credit or debit card, minus any applicable bank charges or transaction fees.
    4. Where a refund is to be given at our discretion, the fact that we offer a refund to you in relation to one Article does not automatically mean that we will offer you refunds for other Articles or other transactions that you have with us.
  13. Terminating this contract
    1. Either party is entitled to terminate this contract at any time by emailing the other.
    2. If this contract ends:
      • You are not entitled any refund by reason of the termination.
      • Subject to the above, your right to use our Service and all licences are terminated.
      • All clauses in this contract which are stated or intended to continue after termination will continue to apply.
  14. If our website does not work properly
    1. We do not warrant that our website will be uninterrupted or error-free. We shall not be responsible for any loss or damage you may sustain from any interruption, error, or inaccessibility of our website.
    2. We are entitled without notice and without liability to suspend our website for repair, maintenance, improvement, or other technical reason.
    3. You acknowledge that technology is not always secure, and you accept the risks inherent in use of the Internet or other technology for the purpose of the Service.
  15. Restrictions on our legal responsibility – very important
    1. Nothing in this agreement in any way limits or excludes our liability for negligence causing death or personal injury or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or for anything which may not legally be excluded or limited. In this section, any reference to us includes our employees and agents, who have the right to enforce this agreement.
    2. Subject to clause 15.3 below, if you are a customer, our liability of any kind (including our own negligence) for any act or omission or series of connected acts or omissions is limited to the total fees paid or payable by you to us in connection with our Service in the 12 months before the first act or omission complained of.
    3. In no event (including our own negligence) will we be liable for any of the following (even if we have been advised of the possibility of any such losses): economic losses (including, without limit, loss of revenues, profits, contracts, business or anticipated savings); or loss of goodwill or reputation; or special, indirect, or consequential losses; or damage to or loss of data.
    4. We shall have no liability of any kind for any losses or damage to the extent that they result from your breach of this agreement.
    5. You will indemnify us against all claims and liabilities arising out of or in connection with your use of the Service and/or breach of this agreement (except insofar as we have committed an act or omission for which you are legally entitled to obtain relief from us).
    6. To the extent allowed by law, you and we exclude all terms, whether imposed by statute or by law or otherwise, that are not expressly stated in this agreement.
    7. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between us with respect to its subject matter and supersedes any previous communications or agreements between us. We both acknowledge that there have been no misrepresentations and that neither of us has relied on any pre-contractual statements.
  16. Intellectual property rights (IP)
    1. You remain the owner of the IP in any Content you provide to us (including your Articles). You allow us, at no cost and for so long as this contract lasts, to use your Content insofar as reasonably necessary for our Service. Notwithstanding this, you agree to grant us and any Publication a worldwide, non-exclusive, and transferrable licence over any Content you provide to us, and you acknowledge that this is necessary for us and for any Publication to publish your Article.
    2. We and/or our partners own the IP in all Content used on or in connection with our website. You may view such material on your device for your personal, private and internal business use only. You must not otherwise use such material, including copying, publishing (on the Internet or otherwise), selling, adapting, or taking extracts from it unless we specifically say so in writing (except to the extent specifically allowed by this agreement). You must not misrepresent the ownership or source of such material, for example, by changing or removing any legal notices or author attributions.
    3. Just to be clear – you must not collect, scrape, harvest, frame, or deep-link to any Content on our website without our specific prior written consent.
  17. Your personal information

    1. You agree that we can deal with your personal information in accordance with our Privacy Policy which may change from time to time.
  18. General
    1. We are not liable for failure to perform or delay in performing any obligation under this agreement if the failure or delay is caused by any circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including, but not limited to, third-party telecommunication failures and epidemics/pandemics.
    2. Any notice required by this agreement to be given by any party in writing may be given by hand or sent by signed for post to another party at its registered office or such other address as that party may notify to the other party for this purpose from time to time or (unless stated otherwise) by email.
    3. The failure of a party to exercise or enforce any right under this agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of that right nor operate to bar the exercise or enforcement of it at any time or times thereafter.
    4. If any provision of this agreement is held to be unlawful, void, or unenforceable in whole or in part, this agreement shall continue in force in relation to the unaffected provisions and the remainder of the provision in question, and the parties will renegotiate the offending provision in good faith to achieve the same objects.
    5. Save insofar as expressly provided otherwise in this agreement, no third party has any right to enforce any clause in this agreement. The operation of the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 2021 is expressly excluded.
    6. Except as otherwise stated in this agreement, nothing in this agreement shall constitute the parties as partners, joint venturers, or co-owners, or constitute any party as the agent, employee, or representative of the other(s), or empower any party to act for, bind, or otherwise create or assume any obligation on behalf of the other(s), and no party shall hold itself out as having authority to do the same.
    7. This contract is subject to the law of Singapore. Any dispute arising out of or in connection with this contract shall be submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Singapore courts.
  19. Complaints
    1. If you have any complaints, please contact us via the contact details shown below.
  20. Information about us
    1. Company name: Bright PR PTE. LTD.
    2. Country of incorporation: Singapore
    3. Registered number: 202310054E
    4. Registered office and contact address:

      160 Robinson Road, #14-04 Singapore Business Federation Center, Singapore (068914)

    5. Contact email address: info@brightpr.io
    6. Other contact information: See our website/contact page